Are You an Ideal Candidate for Apogee™ Laser Treatment?

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Apogee™ Laser Treatment?

Spider veins are blue, purple, or red veins that appear web-like on the skin. Many people opt to keep them covered and may feel self-conscious when they’re visible. If you’re struggling with the appearance of your spider veins, consider the Apogee™ laser treatment at Farrell Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, P.C. 

Apogee™ is an innovative laser technology that can reduce the appearance of spider veins to help restore confidence in your skin. Keep reading to determine if you’re a candidate for Apogee™ laser treatment. 

How Does Apogee™ Laser Treatment Work?

Apogee™ uses laser light beams to target spider veins precisely, causing them to become damaged. The body then eliminates the treated veins by absorbing them or naturally excreting them. Treatment with the Apogee™ laser is safe, noninvasive, and efficient, providing a long-term solution to eliminate visible spider veins.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Apogee™?

If you have visible spider vessels that are causing you to feel self-conscious or insecure, Apogee™ may be right for you. 

Ideal candidates for Apogee should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the laser treatment.

Unfortunately, those who are pregnant, have tattoos in the areas to be treated, and those taking certain medications may not qualify for Apogee spider vein treatment.

What To Expect During Recovery

Apogee™ is a non-invasive procedure, meaning there is little to no downtime needed. In fact, patients can typically return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. However, you may experience some minor side effects such as red, swollen skin, sensitivity, and itching or stinging sensations. However, these are normal and should subside within a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses can help soothe any discomfort you may be experiencing. In addition, applying moisturizer to the treated area can reduce dryness and quicken healing time.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Our team at Farrell Plastic Surgery & Laser Center, P.C., put our patients first. We take the time to answer your questions and personalize your treatment options. To find out if you are a candidate for Apogee™ in Mechanicsburg, PA, call us today at (717) 732-9000 or schedule your initial consultation online. 

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Taking the time necessary to ensure natural-looking outcomes is a key ingredient to Drs. Leo and Deborah Farrell’s ability to provide consistently elegant results that never appear obvious or overdone— and to do so with less discomfort or downtime for you.

“We never hurry through a procedure. That’s how beautiful outcomes are achieved.”


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