You don’t have to let embarrassing scars keep you from enjoying smooth, healthy-looking skin. Microneedling is a very safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of scarring, no matter what type of blemishes or where they are.
How Microneedling Works
It might sound a little counterintuitive, but microneedling actually injures your tissues in order to repair them. The tiny needles puncture the epidermis to encourage the body to activate its natural healing response in the treated area. This action stimulates blood circulation and the production of new collagen—essential elements to smooth, healthy skin. Most commonly used on the face, the neck, and the décolletage, microneedling with the MicroPen® Elite can be used on most any spot where there is scarring present.
Acne Scars
The most frequent scar treatment we perform here in our Mechanicsburg offices is for acne scars. And it’s little wonder why: acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, with around 50 million Americans affected by it each year. Although it’s most prevalent in teens and young adults, anyone can get it—and the occurrence of acne in adults is actually on the rise.
While active acne is embarrassing enough while you have it, the scars it leaves behind can last a lifetime. There are three common types of acne scars, which include:
- Ice pick – Characterized by deep pits that extend into the skin, resembling punctures by an ice pick.
- Box car – Angular scars with sharp vertical edges (similar to a V shape), most often found on the cheeks and temples.
- Rolling – These scars are more shallow, wide, and tend to have a wavy appearance, and they’re typically caused by damage beneath the skin’s surface.
- Although more rare, there is a fourth type of scar that acne can cause. In more severe cases, the skin could develop hypertrophic scars, which are raised and bumpy.
Microneedling with the MicroPen Elite can help to reduce the appearance of all types of acne scars. And a series of sessions will only work to enhance your relief from these unwanted blemishes. Two to three treatments spaced about four to six weeks apart is the typical recommendation, but some acne scarring can require a more in-depth approach. Depending on your unique situation, the best results could come from six to eight treatments, six weeks apart.
Other Types of Scars
The MicroPen Elite can also help to reduce the sight of surgical scars and scars from a trauma, even from burns.
- Hypertrophic – As previously mentioned, hypertrophic scars sometimes appear as a result of acne. However, they are more common following a traumatic event, which leads to a raised mark.
- Contracture – These tend to tighten the skin, which can hinder the ability to move. Typically produced by burns, these scars may also go deeper, affecting muscles and nerves.
- Keloid – Caused by an overly aggressive healing process, keloid scars extend beyond the original injury. There are several treatments for this type of scar, including surgery or laser treatments.
Getting Started
The first step on your journey to reducing the appearance of unwanted scars with microneedling is a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Deborah Farrell. During this time, you will discuss why you’re seeking treatment and what you hope to accomplish from scar treatments. She will then thoroughly evaluate your unique condition and present you with a specialized plan to get the best results possible. It is important, however, to keep in mind that while this is a very effective solution to significantly reduce the appearance of your scar, there’s no way to eliminate it completely.
Going a Step Further
You can make your microneedling treatments even more effective with a number of our non-surgical skincare services. During your consultation, you can also talk to Dr. Farrell about achieving a greater level of relief with an additional procedure. For instance, a chemical peel can be an excellent way to improve the appearance of mild scarring, since it removes the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that it replaces will be smoother and more uniform.
Other Treatments
But if microneedling isn’t the direction you want to go to relieve your specific scar, we still have plenty of options that can adequately address your concerns. We are very pleased to offer several alternatives to scar therapy with microneedling. You can opt for fractional laser resurfacing, PicoSure®, or CoolTouch® laser treatments, all highly effective at decreasing the size and appearance of scars.
Microneedling at Farrell Plastic Surgery & Laser Center in Mechanicsburg, PA
If you’d like more information about this or any of the other skin rejuvenation options we offer, please contact us today to schedule your consultation at Farrell Plastic Surgery & Laser Center. Drs. Deborah and Leo Farrell are ready to help you reach all of your cosmetic enhancement goals.